Paul Bridges
Paul Bridges
Birmingham New Street Walking Club
1.1 The Club shall be called Birmingham New Street Walking Club, hereafter to be referred as “the Club” and shall be affiliated to The Ramblers Association.
2.1 The object of the Club is to provide members with at least one walk per month in a safe environment. The Club must seek to cater for walking of all types e.g. flat/easy walks for families and hilly/difficult walks for the more experienced Member.
3.1The following are eligible for membership:
3.1.1 FULL MEMBER: Rail staff employed by a railway TOC, FOC or Network Rail.
3.1.2 ASSOCIATE MEMBER: Any person introduced by a member and not employed by a railway TOC, FOC oe Network Rail and on completion of 3 Club walks. Such membership will be on an Associate member basis for the first 12 months whereupon they will automatically become Full Members.
3.1.3 TEMPORARY MEMBER: A non-member attending a Club organised walk shall become a Temporary member for the duration of that walk. This entitles them to full benefits of the Club for the duration of the walk, other than prearranged transport costs. The appropriate fee must be paid before the walk commences.
3.1.4 Full members take precedence in any Club activity.
3.2 Upon joining, Members must sign and date a membership form and pay the relevant subscription.
4.1 Members of the Club whose conduct is inappropriate or who decline to abide by any of the rules or Bylaws may be expelled or suspended by a resolution at a Committee Meeting where their subscription may be forfeited. Members shall have the right of appeal in person to a Special General Meeting, provided that notice of such appeal be submitted to the Secretary, in writing, within 7 days of notification of the decision. Upon receiving such notice, the Secretary shall convene a Special General Meeting within 30 days.
5.1 The Committee to consist of a Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, 2 Trustees and 6 committee members.
5.2 The Chairperson to be elected from the Committee Members, by the Full Committee, at the first Committee meeting after every Annual General Meeting.
5.3 The term for each position to be three years.
5.4 Any member may serve on the Committee provided they have been a member of the club for not less than 12 months.
5.5 Members who wish to join the Committee must submit in writing the position they wish to serve in. This must be seconded by another Member and handed to the Secretary before commencement of the Annual General Meeting.
6.1 The Committee will recommend the cost of annual subscriptions and the joining fee to the Annual General Meeting.
6.2 Annual subscriptions are due on the 1st November annually.
6.3 A fee will be levied for each walk attended (except for children 16 years and under) the amount to be determined by the committee.
7.1 The Annual General Meeting to be held in the months of November or December.
7.2 The actual date to be posted in the Club notice case no later than 21 days before hand. .
7.3 Any proposals to alter or amend the Club Constitution must be submitted to the Secretary in writing at least 21 days before the Annual General Meeting and posted in the club notice case at least 14 days before the Annual General Meeting. The alteration or amendment must be proposed by a Full Member and seconded by another Full Member. Such alteration shall be passed if supported by not less than two thirds of those Full members present.
7.4 The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be to
7.4.1 Confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting.
7.4.2 Receive the accounts for the year from the Treasurer.
7.4.3 Receive the Trustees report.
7.4.4 Receive the annual report of the committee from the Secretary.
7.4.5 Election of officers and committee members.
7.4.6 Review Club fees and subscription rates for the coming year.
7.4.7 Transact such other business received in writing by the Secretary from Members 21 days prior to the meeting.
7.4.8 Any other business.
7.5 Special General Meetings may be convened by the Committee, or on receipt by the Secretary of a request in writing, from not less than 10 Full Members of the Club.
7.6 The Chairperson will always have an additional casting vote if needed.
7.7 A quorum for a Committee Meeting will be 5 members. The Secretary or Assistant Secretary and Treasurer (or his appointed nominee) must be in attendance.
8.1 All Members, when participating in an organised Club walk should be equipped sensibly. This is for their own safety, especially during the winter months.
8.2 Before setting off on the walk, an agreed rendezvous must be established in case the group accidentally splits.
8.3 All walks to be conducted at the pace of the slowest member on the walk.
8.4 Members should always try to stay as a group but the group may split and go separate ways in an emergency or providing everyone has a clear understanding of what is required.
9.1 If at any General Meeting of the Club, a resolution be passed calling for the dissolution of the Club, The Secretary shall immediately convene a Special General Meeting of the Club to be held not less than one month thereafter to discuss and vote on the resolution.
9.2 If at that Special General Meeting, the resolution be carried by at least two thirds of the Full members present at the meeting, the General Committee shall thereupon, or at such date as shall have been specified in the resolution, proceed to realise the assets of the Club and discharge all debts and liabilities of the Club.
After discharging all debts and liabilities of the Club, the remaining monetary assets shall not be paid or distributed amongst the Full Members of the Club, but shall be given to the Ramblers Association